I don't know if you intended on writing 200,000 or the intent was to write 2,000,000 and you forgot a zero. Either ways, between a map of 200000/2000000 in comparison with 10000, a map of 200000/2000000 should be considered. This is so because the map of 200000/2000000 contains much details than that of the 10,000. Although in honesty, the map of a scale of 10,000 is bigger when compared to the 200000/2000000. But I believe any and every cartographer will go for the 200000/2000000 map because it contains more details
During the 1960's the disclosure of enormous gas and oil fields in Alaska accelerated the change of most coal framework to other petroleum products. During this period Usibelli Coal Mine bought the Suntrana mine and the mining activities in the Matanuska coal fields stopped activity.
Around the world the most significant restriction on access to potable water is money. While access to raw water sources, clean or otherwise, is important, the purification process itself is expensive. Once water has been rendered potable, it is important that it be delivered without reintroducing contamination.
Decreases? I think.........