The success of empire’s centralized economy led to social harmony and to its fast expansion. The Inca’s central planning economy was, perhaps, the most efficient and successful ever seen. Collective labor from the ayllu was at the center of the economic productivity. Every member was obliged to contribute with his labor as tribute and in exchange they received food, clothing, housing, education and health care security.
The Inca economy did not use money as an exchange unit or markets to trade. However they did trade with other tribes outside their boundaries. Every unit of production was carefully planned and distributed where it was needed.
As an agricultural economy, the Incas made sure that they stored enough food in case of bad weather or war so they grew more food than they needed. They built storage buildings called tambos along roads for food to be distributed to nearby villages. The surplus would be kept in storage as a safety net. Production was planned by the central government, each village would produce a specific product and be distributed to other villages the same way food was distributed. Read more =>
Answer: As a citizen, the reign of Trajan would affect you positively because he made many reforms and changes to benefit Roman life and conditions. Some of his projects include: improving the dilapidated road system, constructing aqueducts, building public baths and extending the port of Ostia. All of these things helped the people at the time and allowed for better living conditions and less filth by less people sharing one bath
Many things have changed since the last two centuries. Nerva revised taxes and made land reforms that were able to help the poor. Hadrian made Roman law easier to understand and apply to everyday life. Antoninus Pius Enacted laws that assisted Orphans. Marcus Aurelius reformed Roman law and assisted in uniting the empire's economy. Most importantly, Trajan Greatly expanded the empire and gave money for education.
The one that has affected me most as an ordinary citizen, is how Trajan Greatly expanded the empire and gave money for education. Being 12 years old, I greatly appreciate the changes he made to the education system. Without it, children my age would probably not be receiving the same quality of education, or even no education at all as I am. I have all the thanks to give him for helping the education system by donating a lot of money towards this cause.
option c 16 hour work days along with small pays they wanted to change that and factory's were very dnagerous
The articles of Confederation prevented the gov to tax the people, and money is a huge power needed for a government to become overpowering. Why were the states afraid of centralized authority and a strong national government hope it helps