Climate change is the result of carbon emissions in the atmosphere trapping heat that would normally leave through the ozone.
These changes in heat affect the entire globe's climate but not always in the same way. One outcome of climate change is extreme weather - not just extreme heat or drought, but also tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and other disasters that used to happen just once in a blue moon. To reduce these problems, it is necessary for the population to take some steps to reduce the impact that these climate changes have.
One way that we can help keep climate change from getting worse is by using public transportation rather than individual cars whenever possible. That's because cars are responsible for 28 percent of carbon emissions in the United States. If each person rode the bus just one day a week, carbon emissions could be reduced by almost 40 percent.
In this case, we ask the collaboration of the population and the government to encourage this attitude to be taken, allowing our planet to receive better care.
In the revision, the paragraphs were readjusted and placed in a more coherent order, leaving the text fluid and better structured, a statement and thesis and a resolution were also added to make the text more complete.
''Polar Opposites'' has two stanzas which have no regular pattern of rhythm. Free verse poetry can include lines that rhyme, but the rhyme will not be consistent or patterned, thus making the poem a free verse poem.
Put this in your own words it will come up copy written, they can see these when they do the plagiarism searches
There area number of benefits of sports in the life of children.
First of all, to improve children's health by exercising frequently. Exercise is a vital element for the children to be healthy.
Another benefit is that sports help them to socialize. Although some specialist says that in sports there is a tendency to suffer bullying, the reality shows that sports is a great way to make friends.
Discipline. Parents can help so much in the education of its kids if they know how to instill discipline from the very beginning of school days. Sports teach kids to be persistent through discipline and respect.
Finally, an important aspect of contest in sports is the valuable lesson of overcome defeat. Children must understand that they are not going to win every time. So accepting losing and overcoming adversity is a great lesson that is going to prepare them for real life.