It is also known as Sundiata
candy and no-candy condition
Marnie's strategy used researchers to find out the number of misbehaviors among the children( little enough to fit in shopping cart). She tries to pick chilren randomly by picking out every fifth child who is little enough to fit in cart for her research. She limits her research to certain age group.
Age group is the extraneous variable in the experiment
Ethical challenge: The researchers followed the child. So they had to be careful
mode in candy condition: 3
range in no candy condtion is 3
They can reduce number of mis-behaviors by disciplining them.
Independent variable: Candy and no-candy condition.
Her strategy is to pick chilren randomly so she directs researchers to pick every fifth child. She also restricts her research to a certain age group. The age group is restricted by making sure that child is small enough to fit in shopping cart.
age group. She controlled this by making sure children were small enough to fit in shopping cart.
The researchers followed the child around the store which is unethical. They must have been careful not to get noticed.
range in no-candy condition: 4-1=3
authoritative parenting help to discipline the children
Madison’s outlook on the intrinsic power potentials of the three branches of government is that no branch should be more controlling than the next. Madison supposed in balancing the division of powers between the three branches, where their powers were one and the same. Madison stated that a tough and powerful government is wanted, but an inadequate government is also significant where no branch is prevailing. Due to Madison and his thought of checks and balances within the three branches of government, our government is more equipped than it was before. His plan involved getting rid of circumstances where a majority is united by a common interest, where the human rights of the minority are timid.
Open listing
In an open listing, the seller of the house has two or more brokers trying to complete the transaction, and only the broker who manages to sell the property receives a commission.
Patsy has an open listing because 1) she has two brokers competing for selling the house 2) she will only pay a commission to the broker who completes the transaction successfully.
The movement of the plates,and the activity inside the earth, is called plate tectonics.