I personally do not think that it was fair for them to say this, either to Romeo or to women. Gender stereotypes were a lot more prevalent in the 13- and 1400s than they are now. People expected more of men than they did of women — they were not supposed to show weakness or sorrow.
(Do not copy answer word for word, you'll get busted for plagiarism! These are just ideas to work off of :D)
Answer and Explanation:
Parallel structure in sentences is when the list of items is organized and written in the same way. For example, if a sentence was written “I like to play basketball, play soccer, and play volleyball”, this is in parallel structure because each item is of the form “play ______”.
Here, this is parallel structure because each item is by itself, without being preceded by a verb, except for the very first one, which is allowed because that verb “buy” will apply to every item following.
That’s why this is parallel structure.