*You control your own destiny.*
Two lines of the poem directly support this claim. They are...
"I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul."
Meaning that the ultimate determining factor is you. Everyone is granted a choice, fate and destiny do not control you, because everyone has free-will.
There were many practices common among modernist poets, such as the following: insistent breaks with the immediate past, its different inventions, "making it new" with elements from culture remote in space and time, the questions of impersonality and objectivity, emphasizing the personal imagination, culture, emotions and memories of the poet. Intellectual statements which the world could relate to were more important than personal statements.
11 :
Buddy attempts to drive away, however the vehicle chugs and passes on. The driver requests that Bud bring down the window so they can talk. Since he is a conscious young fellow, Bud goes along.
After breakfast, Bud and Lefty Lewis get in the vehicle to make a beeline for Grand Rapids. Abruptly, Bud says somebody took the container of blood, however Lefty reveals to him that while he was profoundly snoozing, they dropped it off at the clinic.On away, they get pulled over by a squad car.
Bud reveals to Calloway his mother is dead, and Jimmy attempts to see whether Bud has any family or on the off chance that he is from a shelter. Bud answers indirectly with the goal that they will not send him back to the Home. Sort of baffled with Bud's answers, Jimmy sends him away so the band can talk.