Because his father has been ordered to relocate on the orders of the Fury (the Fuhrer, Adolph Hitler). Essentially, Bruno's father has been promoted to a Commandant position at Auschwitz, and this is why the family has to leave their house in Berlin.
B. The brand new Mercedes I won in a raffle is nice.
If you were to be in this situation where you won something of this value, most people would be elated and not as nonchalant as the person was in this sentence, only describing it as nice.
please select the text one or press next and dude just relax and chill
D. When you and your friends hear this recording, it will be exciting.
An antecedent, by definition, is a word or a phrase that is referred to by an element that follows it in the same sentence or paragraph, typically. When we look at item “D,” we are left with the question: “What will be exciting?” Because “it” could be anything, it is safe to say that the antecedent is missing.