D- They provided guns and supplies to the American Indians in the Northwest Territory.
Direct quote from lesson text:
"Even though the Revolutionary War was over, the British sometimes clashed with Americans in the Northwest Territory. <u>The British sold guns and other supplies to American Indians.</u> The American Indians used the tools to raid American settlers. Violence in the area led to the Northwest Indian War, a series of battles starting in 1785. British soldiers did not fight in most of these battles."
It is called disorganized thinking, this allows a person exhibit a disturbance in the way she acts, responds or thinks. It could make a person respond unclearly, the person can't focus on a particular thing that made her fail to concentrate to things. It could be seen above as Claire exhibits these symptoms, making her positive to have a disorganized thinking.
Yes, a visa is looks like a pass to go in any country
It is free to the buyer because he does not have to pay for the second product, but it is not free to society because the cost to produce the product including the labors, materials, machines, and electricity cost go unpaid.