Natural selection leads to evolution due to the way reproduction works. In the example of European moths during the industrial revolution, we can see this clearly. When the industrial revolution was going, there was more pollution, hence darkening the skies and leaving ash. Moths, which before were white with occasional black spots dominated the area until pollution effected their environment. Whiter moths were eaten by bird who could easily see them against the black trees and skies. These moths could no longer reproduce, they were dead. Moths with more black could survive longer to reproduce because they were harder to see. As time went along, the moths turned mostly black, showing an example of evolution.
A trait can take on almost anything! Like your hair, your eyes, your nose, and... sometimes even the way you speak!
Your answer is burning gasoline. if you think about it, none of the rest of the answers really involve chemicals. ice isnt known as a chemical, and so isnt glass. and if your dent a bumper, it doesnt make sense to add it as a chemical change. so your answer is burning gasoline. hope this helps.
<span>This is called erythema. Causes for this can include a fever, direct trauma, blushing, or ETHOL intake. This type of pigmentation can affect the face, the area in which trauma may have incurred, the sacrum, the shoulders, and other common sites for ulcers.</span>