Saturn is the new best planet they changed it from Jupiter to Saturn
X is negative heterotropic modulator
In allosteric regulations, modulators are molecules that causes a change in the conformation of an enzyme, hence, resulting a change in enzyme activity. It can lead to a decrease or an increase of the enzyme. When a molecule decreases the enzyme activity it called a negative modulator, when it increases or activates the enzyme activity, it is called a positive modulator.
A positive or negative modulator can either be homotrophic (substrate acts as modulator) or heterotropic (another ligand acts as modulator).
In the example above, X is negative heterotropic modulator, because the modulator is different from the substrate and it also decreases the enzyme activity.
<span>If it loses that 1 electron (0 electrons, 1 proton, 1 neutron) it become an ion that is positively charge because it has more protons than electrons. [Ignore the neutrons] </span>
<span>If it gains an electron (2 electrons, 1 proton, 1 neutron) it becomes an ion that is negatively charge because it has more electrons than protons </span>
<span>A molecule - when 2 or more "different" elements combine or when 2 or more of the "same" elements combine </span>
<span>1 proton 1 electron <----- that is considered to be neutral </span>
<span>3 protons, 3 electrons <----- neutral </span>
<span>5 protons 5 electrons <----- neutral </span>
<span>6 protons, 5 electrons <-- positive ion [more protons than electrons] </span>
<span>5 protons, 8 electrons <--- negative ion [more electrons than protons] </span>
Fold Mountains
"The rugged, soaring heights of the Himalayas, Andes, and Alps are all active fold mountains." - google