ANSWER 1: Universal
EXPLANATION: Loved by many, Ansel Adams’ photos are this UNIVERSAL. His photos were black and white and flat colored evenly throughout. This type is reflected in all his works. Though it was different from what was famous at that point of time, still he was loved and known for his uniqueness.
ANSWER 2: Color
EXPLANATION: The photographic technique Adams chose not to use COLOR. Ansel Adams always avoided hand coloring which was popular in his time. He had a vast variety of lenses and would use them to get effects. Though he used colors but it was limited to assignments and never considered them to be important or expressive.
ANSWER 3: Moonrise
EXPLANATION: Adams’ famous depiction of an ordinary event Moonrise. Moon rise is a very common and ordinary event for everyone. Ansel Adams' saw this thing in a different view and clicked photographs of it only to make it famous.
ANSWER 4: Large
EXPLANATION: the type of format camera Adams used Large. Ansel Adams chose view camera which are large-format camera used by photographers who need to have excellent every small step while taking photographs. Controlling tonal range is crucial as they may need large negatives leading to create prints having tiniest of details.
EXPLANATION: In his photo of the moon, he wanted this kind of light on the town One. He wanted a flat light evenly spread though out the town. In today's world, it is not a very major problem keeping in mind the digital cameras available in the market.
EXPLANATION: When he took his most famous picture, he had this many shots at it Sun. After the success of Moonrise, he would often wait for sun to rise up in the sky to get perfect pictures. One of the popular photographs of the Sun is "Contre-Jour"
ANSWER 7: Light
EXPLANATION: the kind of meter was he missing Light. Light meter is a device used to measure the light. It helps to determine the proper exposure of a photography. Though during this incident he could not find his light meter, he made exposure based on the known luminosity of the moon and made an extraordinary shot of the moon which made history.
ANSWER 8: Tonality
EXPLANATION: Adams is famous for this Tonality. He used zone system which allowed him to achieve tonal range of the density which very few photographers could match. He could make from the whitest white to the blackest dark in his photographs.
It is D I think. Hope I helped