Cùng Đọc tài liệu xem qua một số bài văn mẫu dưới đây để hiểu hơn về về văn miêu tả có sử dụng biện pháp nghệ thuật nhé. Đề bài. Viết một bài văn thuyết minh về ...
The purpose of constructing an auxiliary view is to determine the size of oblique surfaces.
Auxiliary views are a type of orthographic projection used to determine the true size and shape of inclined and oblique surfaces on objects.
- Normally auxiliary views are projected from existing principal views.
Russia adopted the religious and political system of the empire.
Answer: Texture is the appearance, feel , and consistency that is used by the artist. The artist used a visual elements to make the painting look like a 3D painting and also used a lot of shading in his painting. The color contrast also helps the painting look like its coming to life.