The chromosomes inroduces carbon factors
The correct option is C.
Living organisms that live in the littoral zones in the ocean are used to frequent changes in temperature and in the salinity of the ocean water. For an organism to survive in this environment, it needs to have adaptive features that will increase its survival. The littoral zone is divided into three zones, which are high, middle and lower littoral zones. Organisms living in high littoral zone have adaptive features that make them more adapted to desiccation due to the long hours of sunlight to which they are exposed. The organisms are usually exposed directly to the air or they can be enclosed in burrows.
The correct answer is duodenum
Bile is a digestive enzyme that is secreted by the liver which is temporarily stored in the gall bladder and pancreatic enzyme is released by the pancreas. The bile is secreted to the small intestine through the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct joins the common bile duct just before ampulla of Vater which opens in the first intestinal portion which is duodenum.
So bile and pancreatic enzymes enters the duodenum region of the small intestine and after getting in the small intestine it digests the complex macromolecules into simpler and smaller form which can be absorbed through the intestinal epithelium.
Carbon atoms got 4 surface electrons which makes them in the middle regarding the electrical surface charge and they can make a maximum relations of 4
I believe the correct answer to the question is D. This answer choice makes the most sense given the context. Also, since RNA is less stable than DNA, it mutates more often.