A scientific researcher performs scientific methods to answer any natural process. The researcher will follow the protocol of a scientific method which includes: observe the natural phenomenon, ask related questions, suggest a hypothesis, perform the experiment and suggest answers.
In the given question if the researcher has to study about the flu virus, the possible questions he would ask will be:
1. The life cycle of the flu virus.
2. Effect of the virus on the life of an organism.
3. The mechanism used by the virus to replicate and to infect any organism.
4. Molecular mechanism of a virus.
That would be yes cause thy are all the same cells unless in in different envirment
Inertia- the tendency of an object to resist a change in velocity
Say a car was going at 65 MPH, but suddenly stopped. For all of the people in that car, their bodies would keep moving forward at 65 MPH until stopped by an equal force (say, the thing right in front of each person) The seatbelt is there to protect you from your own inertia.
During exercise, your heart typically beats faster so that more blood gets out to your body. Your heart can also increase its stroke volume by pumping more forcefully or increasing the amount of blood that fills the left ventricle before it pumps.
Because flu viruses evolve so quickly, last year's vaccine may not protect you from this year's viruses. New flu vaccines are released every year to keep up with rapidly adapting flu viruses.