<u>The article is an Expository article. </u>
Note how the author, Matthew Hutson began the article, he said<em> </em><em>"Consider a series of experiments conducted by researchers led by...," </em>that is to say, he was giving information about the subject matter to his readers.
The main idea or central thesis of this article is to portray how Puritan believes are still present in American society today.
One reason was that "the so-called Protestant work ethic" of respected men like Martin Luther and John Calvin likely influenced the work habits of American culture.
One specific evidence that Hutson offer for why the Puritans still influence American culture today was a study that shows how the view of Martin Luther and John Calvin, in which "they believed in predestination and viewed success as a sign of salvation". I quote Hutson,
"American and Canadian college students were asked to solve word puzzles involving anagrams. But first, some were subtly exposed to (or “primed” with) salvation-related words like “heaven” and “redeem,” while others were exposed to neutral words. The researchers found that the Americans — but not the Canadians — solved more anagrams with salvation on the mind."
To some extent, because the study didn't claim all of American society were still been influenced by the Puritans but makes a balanced conclusion.
C. You should get new clothes and get a haircut.
If you combine them as one, it makes it seem as a suggestion, rather than a demand that comes off as rude.
This food tastes like heaven!
''To those who like to break the rules and go against the system!
There is some evidence of neglecting local rules...Why don't you try going against Newton's laws, it could be much funnier.
P.S. Smoking is harmful to your health (especially when you will be spotted with the cigarette by staff.)
Kind regards,
Yours Warden.''