The answer is it will have 40.
After mitosis the daughter cells have the same amount as the parent cell.
Answer is B since it uses strains and differential transformation to see
See the eplanation below, please.
In sickle cell anemia, hemoglobin has the form of rigid bars inside the red blood cells, causing them to adopt sickle shapes being not very flexible. These cells can block blood vessels, stopping the flow, causing oxygen to not reach the tissues.
The cause of this anemia is due to a genetic mutation (there is a substitution of thymine for adenine in the beta globin gene, located on chromosome 11), generating Hemoglobin S with a decrease in oxygen binding.
The species that make up an ecosystem are connected in complex 'food webs' of eater and eaten. When one species disappears, its predators can no longer eat it and its prey are no longer eaten by it. Changes in these populations affect others. Not only that but the ecosystem would be dramatically different or cease to exist altogether.
Dyslexia is a learning disorder mainly in reading. In most cases dyslexia jumbles up letters like b and d and m and w but there are many diffrent types of dyslexia and you can over come dyslexia in many ways like studying harder or getting a tutor.