<span>Plantele fac alimente prin fotosinteză. Este amestecul de dioxid de carbon și apă care reacționează la lumină și clorofilă pentru a produce glucoză și oxigen. Glucoza poate fi transformată în amidon, grăsimi și uleiuri din motive de depozitare. Se intenționează să se creeze celuloză pentru pereții celulari și diverse contraens pentru reparații.</span>
I believe that the answer is A.
I don't think the water cycle has a beginning or ending because all the water in the world is always in various stages of the cycle. It's kind of like asking if a circle has a beginning or ending.
At the very least, I can't think of a specific 'beginning' or 'ending', although I suppose there is an argument to be made that percipitation is the ending and evaporation is the beginning.
Electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB) is used on humans during brain surgery to map out the brain and critical structures.
^_________^ <3
The answer is d. all of the above.
Aquifers are underground layers of rocks which contain water and serve as important sources of freshwater. They are located below the water table and in the saturated zone. Still, aquifers are not rivers, the flow of underground water cannot pass from one aquifer to another.