You can’t really do anything without income unless you were under someone else for instants you can’t buy a house you can’t buy food for yourself. economic system wants you to get a job or follow under Taxes even though we’re over populated they want you have kids so that your kids have to work and do certain things everyone’s not a millionaire or doesn’t make a lot of money in life some people are gonna have to work at 9to5 and that’s what the economic system wants
These are drawbacks examples.
The only drawback<span> to her.
</span><span>That should be no </span>drawback.
<span>There was one </span>drawback<span> though.
</span><span>Given this </span>drawback, Stallman.
<span>The </span>drawback<span> is that after only.
</span><span>Another </span>drawback<span> can be phosphates.
</span><span>considered a </span>drawback<span> of house sharing.</span><span>this is their major </span>drawback.
<span>This is a major </span>drawback<span> which users.
</span><span>Normalization eliminates this </span>drawback
<span>The only </span>drawback<span> is, whether or not it.
</span><span>The </span>drawback<span> was that we kept moving –
a.</span><span>Every good thing has a </span>drawback<span> to offset it.
</span>Drawback to Selling Covered Calls on Equities.
<span>one significant </span>drawback<span> with the whole process.
</span><span>That is their biggest </span>drawback<span> in my view anyway.
</span><span>The chief </span>drawback<span> is that to the great mass of the.
</span><span>However, they still have the same </span>drawback<span> – you do.
</span><span>Short-term technical signals typically have this </span>drawback.
<span>Another </span>drawback<span> was that most communications were by telex.
</span>Limitation of Profit on Low-priced Bonds Not a Real Drawback.
<span>Half-heartedness is a serious </span>drawback<span> and the cause of much.
</span><span>This represents an essential </span>drawback<span> of the second approach.
</span><span>candlelight dinners, there is a </span>drawback<span> and a big one at that.
</span><span>The only </span>drawback<span> for me was my model’s lack of a suppressor.
</span><span>The principal </span>drawback<span> of this approach is its Christian-.</span><span>worry about the meowing this is a </span>drawback<span> from primitive times.</span>
A pen name is a name an author publishes a book under. It isn't their real name, it's only the name they go by when writing books.
Many female authors used male names to publish their books in time periods such as 1700s or 1800s, when women weren't thought of as smart and they didn't have rights. The male names were their pen names, used so that people would respect them.
<em>Examples in modern day (pen name --> real name):</em>
J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter) --> Joanne Kathleen Rowling
Lemony Snicket (Series of Unfortunate Events) --> Daniel Handler
D) Most people figured that Columbus discovered America, made friends with the Indians, and then told everyone else about this land.
Revision of any text or passage is need for a number of reasons, ranging from a simple grammar mistake to making the paper more precise, focused, structured, etc. The revision also allows for improved analytical skills, challenging one's own ideas, more strengthened argument, etc.
Among the given sentences, the one that needs to be revised is sentence D. Looking at the words used in this particular sentence, it is evident that the words are too informal, be it using<em> "most people figured", "made friends", or "told everyone else"</em>. They make the sentence too simple, too friendly, something one does with a close friend or relative. If these words are revised with words like 'most people believed', 'formed close relationship/ befriended', or 'revealed to everyone', then that makes the sentence seem more formal.
Thus, the correct answer is option D.