A ruler with complete authority over the government and lives of the people he or she governs.
To exactly which Anti-Vietnam Movement do you refer. You want a short answer. Simply listing the various groups would be too long, and each had its own ideologies. Guess it's time to hit the books.
<span>Feisty is right. I checked too. Since you only want short answers and no detail, it is abundantly clear that you don't want any reliable or relevant information. Good attitude. Lots of luck in life, but please to the rest of us a favor: when you're old enough, please, please, please DON'T vote.</span>
Prussian Civil Code, byname of German Allgemeines Landrecht, (“General State Law”), the law of the Prussian states, begun during the reign of Frederick the Great (1740–86) but not promulgated until 1794 under his successor, Frederick William II. It was to be enforced wherever it did not conflict with local customs.
I hope that is what you were looking for! :)
A, E
The Phoenicians invented an alphabet of 22 characters denoting consonants. This alphabet then became the basis of the Greek, Latin, and Slavic alphabets. They radically improved shipbuilding, laid routes to the very ‘limits’ of the world known in their era, and even significantly extended these limits. In a sense, they became the first “globalizers" – they connected Europe, Asia and Africa with an all-pervasive web of trade routes.
Their method of building the fleet implied the introduction of certain standards, and, therefore, some system of measures and weights. These standards became common in the Mediterranean region. For example, the king of the Greek city of Argos - Fidon - introduced a unified system of measures of length and weight ("Fidon measures"), based on the Phoenician standards.