Salvage ethnography involved gathering of available material and interviews.
Salvage ethnography focuses on documenting nearly extinct cultures. For this reason, the collection of material must be quick. The term is often used for describing Franz Boas' work, as he visited endangered Native American cultures.
Salvage ethnography is also responsible for preserving cultures' art, such as paintings and music.
Equality in treatment, Limits on noneconomic damages and tort caps are three tort reforms in state or federal courts that I would support
Three proposals for tort reforms in state or federal courts that I would support are -
Equality in treatment – It is essential to support all individuals who get affected by natural calamities and were not compensated while on the other hand the individuals affected during human oriented crisis were compensated for their loss.
Limits on noneconomic damages – This reform was oriented to reduce the malpractice settlements and premium rates of insurance companies.
Tort Caps – This reform ensured caps or a price ceiling, on damages in case of non economic damages.
To test hypotheses, establish laws, and uncover causal relationships.
Many states obliged African Americans to sign yearly labor contracts; if they refused, they faced arrest, fines, and forced labor.
They spread when the virus is attached either to software or document and is transferred over to another computer using a disk,file sharing method or though email attachments.