ion even I'm just doing it for the likes
Stay the course is an idiom of the English language that means to persevere in the face of difficulty when the desired outcome is determined to be worth obstacles met along the way. This saying can be prescriptive, as a form of advice coming from another, or it can be a type of self affirmation, such as, “I must stay the course in order to succeed.” Most people know that life is tainted with hard times, and in order to survive, one must deal with the obstacles that life brings. In that way, this is a positive concept that ev
The situation surrounding Duncan's death, Lady Macbeth's guilt, and Macbeth's insanity are all examples of dramatic irony because we have witnessed Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plan out and commit the act of murder.
Principal's point of view changed when Martha said that the jacket had to be given to Joan just because he belonged to an influential family.
The Scholarship jacket was a story about a girl whose name was Martha who belonged to a poor family. The theme of the message was that even despite hard work, poor people had to lead a tough life.
Children who are from rich and influential families are given preference over the children from poor families.
I don’t know too sorry