Not sure if this is correct but I'm gonna say natural resource
1.) Fort Sumter. Apr 12, 1861 to Apr 13, 1861 Charleston, South Carolina, P.G.T. Beauregard and Robert Anderson. Fort Sumter was the battle that marked the beginning of the civil war. Major Robert Anderson surrendered the fort.
2.) Shiloh. Apr 6, 1862 to Apr 7, 1862 Hardin County, Tennessee. Shiloh resulted in a union victory and was the first battle with most death and suffering of a the Civil War. Commanders were Ulysses S. Grant, Albert Sidney Johnson, PGT Beauregard, and Don Carlos Buell. Union forces won.
3.)Siege of Vicksburg. Warren County, Mississippi Ulysses S. Grant, and John C. Pemberton. Ulysses S. Grant won. The union got control of the Mississippi River and shut down the confederates trade. May 18, 1963 to July 4, 1863
4.) Battle of Gettysburg. Jul 1, 1862-July 3,1863. Gettysburg, PA. Robert E. Lee, George Meade, Winfield Scott Hancock. The Union won. The significance of the battle was it was the bloodiest battle of the American civil war.
5.) Battle of cold harbor. May 31, 1864- June 3, 1864 Mechanicsville, VA. Lee's army won. Robert E. Lee, George Meade, Ulysses S. grant . A frontal assault to confederate lines.
Answer: Correspondence bias
Also known as fundamental attribution error (FAE) is the tendency for people to under-emphasize situational explanations for an individual's observed behavior while over-emphasizing dispositional and personality-based explanations for their behavior.
the study of the rights and duties of citizenship.
political science · statecraft · statesmanship · polity
Fiscal is related to government spending