The main conflict is the choice of whether Yasi should come clean to her Grandma about her sexuality and Hannah or not.
Considering the sensitivity of the situation, it would seem like the thing to do is be secretive about it. But to be able to openly enjoy her life with Hannah, Yasi needs to at least keep her family informed about her situation. This will help keep her loved ones together, even if she doesn't tell it to everyone in the community or society. As long as her immediate family members know about it, that should be all that matters.
The case of one's sexuality is a sensitive and even taboo subject in many parts of the modern world. <u>Yasi's reluctance to come clean to her Grandmother about her bisexuality is one major conflict in the story so far</u>. Even though she had told her parents about it, not everyone in her family knows it yet. And she wanted to keep it that way too, to save everyone the hurt and pain it might bring.
But at the same time, if she can tell her grandmother about it, then she can be assured that at least those important to her know about her life. She need not tell it everyone in the community or society, as long as her family knows the truth. She owes no one anything, nor does her happiness depend on their opinions. But at the same time, she should do the right thing by telling at least her family members.
This really horrible pandemic. corona virus has been stressful but also relieving.
One opinion says that hunting was invented by the people who lived
back at the beginning of people. I think it goes back even farther than
Every living thing that can move around goes hunting for things to eat,
and there were a huge number of living things that could move around,
long before people came along. Like dinosaurs, bats, cockroaches etc.
So I don't think you can say that hunting was ever invented. It was just
something that living things just naturally always did, like breathing.
There are not enough bicycles for the residents of the Kilbarchan Home for Boys.
Phillip Hoose's short story "Justin Lebo" tells the story of a ten-year-old boy named Justin Lebo who decided to make bikes from worn-out bike parts for a good cause. The struggle and the determination that the young boy had in his aim to make bikes for every single boy in the Home made him a sensation and also provides him the happiness and contention he needed about himself.
In the given passage, Justin and his mother were driving back from the home. His mind was racing for he had only given two repaired bikes for a number of boys in a shelter home. His question <em>"How would all those kids decide who got the bikes?"</em> reveals the main conflict of who gets the two bikes out of the many boys in the home.
Thus, the correct answer is that there are not enough bikes for the boys in the Kilbarchan Home.