If I win 1 lakh rupees in a speech contest then probably I will do something that I won't regret later on.
I'm not positive, but I think It's the Friar Luarence.
This is how I would write your thesis. "Should kids be allow to bring their cellphones to school? I believed they should, because it's necessary for kids to be able to communicate with their parents in case of an emergency. In New York City, their policy of banned cellular devices will be reversed and students will be allow to use their devices freely. However, will other counties like New York city be as open minded and allowed the usage of cellphones?"
It shows that Parris is only concerned about his ministry and though he cares for his daughter, his reputation is more important to him.
He is not a good father for he gives more importance to his image than his daughter, when he said to Abigail in Act 1, that his "ministry's at stake", and that his "enemies will ruin (him) with it".
In Act 1 of "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller, we see the character of Parris, the Reverend of the church in Salem, Massachusetts kneeling in front of his daughter's bed. His daughter Betty had been accused of being under the spell of witchcraft. She and some girls had been found dancing at night in the woods, accused of indulging and practicing witchcraft. Reverend Samuel Parris is worried that this accusation will ruin his family and also since Betty is still unconscious with the doctors unsure of what is wrong with her.
The actions of Rev. Parris in asking Abigail about the occurrence and trying to settle the issue shows that he is more concerned about how the people of the town will think of him. Though he may be the respected reverend in the church, this witchcraft accusation may have a negative impact on his image and may even ruin his ministry. Instead of focusing on the welfare of his daughter, who by the way is still unconscious, he kept telling Abigail how this whole issue will be the ruin of him. He implores her to tell her everything, for he fears that "<em>my enemies will, and they‘ll ruin me with it…</em>", adding "<em>my ministry‘s at stake</em>". This only indicates his poor parenting skills, instead thinking of saving his own skin even when his daughter is sick.
The short story was set in Maryland during the Depression or the Dirty Thirties ahd is told from the perspective of the oppressed black people in particular a girl. Where it says "The depression that gripped the nation was no new thing to us" this tells us when it was and "the black workers of rural Maryland had always been depressed" and her identification with them and her brown toes show that she is one of them.