The freedom of expression of minorities and political dissenters may be targeted for reasons that are not publicly justifiable. In this context, majoritarian interests can infiltrate limitation grounds such as national security, public order, public health, and public morals.
When we speak of the Great Schism<span>, we can actually be referring to one of </span>two schisms<span>. The first is also called the </span>East-West Schism<span> and happened in 1054 when the Byzantine Church broke from the Roman Catholic Church. The second is also referred to as the </span>Great Western Schism<span> and happened between 1378 and 1417 when a pope in Rome and a second pope in Avignon, France, proclaimed themselves to be the real pope. Both schisms </span>significantly affected<span> the Roman Catholic Church. Though, typically, that which is called the Great Schism refers to the </span>East-West Schism.
<span>The </span>greatest effect<span> of the </span>East-West Schism<span> was the creation of two separate churches that had previously been unified under one church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. But more specifically, the schism had developed over time due to "doctrinal, theological, linguistic, political, and geographic" differences; therefore, the schism also affected Catholicism by </span>solidifying these differences<span> (</span>New World Encyclopedia,<span> "Great Schism"</span>).
<span>The greatest </span>theological and political difference<span> concerns the belief in the</span><span> authority of the pope</span><span>. The Roman Catholic Church holds that, as the successor of Saint Peter, the pope holds all authority over the Church. However, the Eastern Church feels the title of pope to be </span>only an honorary one, so the church believes the pope has no authority to "determine policy" for all jurisdictions in the empire ("Great Schism").
A second significant theological difference concerns the<span> objection</span><span> of the</span><span>insertion of the<span> filioque</span> clause</span><span> in the Nicene Creed. The Nicene Creed is the statement of the Catholic Church's faith. The </span>filioque<span> clause refers to a specific statement of faith in the creed concerning the Holy Trinity; more specifically, the statement can be interpreted to mean that the Holy Spirit comes only from the Father or from both the Father and the Son. It is referred to as the filioque clause because the Latin word filioque translates to mean "and from the son." The </span>Eastern Church<span> changed their </span>creed to read<span>, "We believe in the Holy Spirit ... who proceeds from the Father," whereas the </span>Roman Catholic creed reads<span>, "We believe in the Holy Spirit ... who proceeds from the Father and the Son" ("Great Schism"; </span>"Filioque Clause"<span>)</span>
porque muchas personas no les importa lo que sucede
The war was punctuated by widely separated battles, and began with England's military expedition in 1585 to the Netherlands under the command of the Earl of Leicester in support of the resistance of the States General to Spanish Habsburg rule.
The English enjoyed some victories at Cádiz in 1587, and saw the Spanish Armada retreat in 1588, but then suffered severe defeats of the English Armada in 1589 and the Drake–Hawkins and Essex–Raleigh expeditions in 1595 and 1597 respectively. Two further Spanish armadas were sent in 1596 and 1597 but were frustrated in their objectives mainly because of adverse weather and poor planning.
The war became deadlocked around the turn of the 17th century during campaigns in Brittany and Ireland. It was brought to an end with the Treaty of London, negotiated in 1604 between representatives of the new King of Spain, Philip III, and the new King of England, James I. England and Spain agreed to cease their military interventions in the Spanish Netherlands and Ireland, respectively, and the English ended high seas privateering.