The section of the passage most clearly foreshadows that Sasha will run out of gas is C. <span>"Yeah, sure. Just remember the gas gauge doesn't work, so you'll have to keep track in your head."</span>
"On December 1955 an African American seamstress named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white person. As she was legally required to do in Montgomery Alabama and many parts of the south. Tired from a hard day at work. Mrs. Parks refused to budge and was arrested, fined, and jailed. Meetings were held at Dexter avenue church, a nonviolent Boycott of the Montgomery bus system began and the Civil Rights movement was born. From the very first Christian ideals were a source of strength for the struggle but Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. gained inspiration from many other sources, including the great Hindu leader Mohandas Gandhi who once said "nothing enduring can be built upon violence”.
<span>Cry loudly, lift shrill voices like magicians</span>
1. Esperanza means hope in spanish so I predict it means hope is increasing in the story.
2. She is floating in the air carelessly move her so I assume it's about a girl who becomes more free and strong through her actions.
1. Yes, I lost my grandmother necklace. It was the only thing she gifted me shortly after she died in a coma.
2. Yes, I have taken care of my grandmother for a year by helping her get in bed and with food. Also helped support my little brother's education by being his tutor. So for me it doesn't seem impractical to be able to take care of my parents.
3. Yes, I have actually lived without running water and electricity for a couple months it wasn't a big deal for me in the short term.
4. No. Although I speak spanish, moving to another country with no money would leave me without shelter and food provisions.
5. A person is strong when their mind or body wants to give up, but with grit and fortitude they continue. It is more a emotional tie with often spiritual intentions for the religious. It's not something that is innate, but through conditioning almost anyone can learn to face their fears and stay strong in the heed of battle (metaphorical).
Vico dies in the book five midnights. On the cusp of 18, Javier Utierre is struggling to hold on to his sobriety when Vico is found dead.
Five Midnights is a story about friend-ship, young love, over-coming rough child-hoods, and beating addict-ion, all wrapped in a narrative that has a mon-ster dragging people to their death un-der the cover of night. It’s also a tale that has a su-perb sense of place and that shin-es a light into the experie-nces of those who are caught in the inter-stitial space bet-ween cultures.
Multi-culturalism and accept-ance are two of the under-lying elements of the story, there is also a strong sen-se of history that often app-ears in the novel.
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