Misinterpretation of verbal communication, body language or behaviours
The max being 170 bpm. Target being 85 beats per minute.
Well if u get given a medicine that u don't need it can kill u straight away like antibiotics and the Green whistle.
Answer: 67904-E1
Response Feedback:
Rationale: In the CPT Index look for
Blepharoptosis /Repair/Tarso Levator Resection/
Advancement/ External Approach. You are referred to 67904. Review the code in the numeric section to verify acuracy. This is the correct code because the external approach of cutting the skin of the eyelid was performed and dissection is carried to the levator tendon. The provider uses sutures to advance the levator tendon to create a new eyelid crease.Append modifier E1 for upper left, eyelid.