The factors that determines the rate of diffusion in the biological system include: temperature, size of the particles, diffusion distance and concentration gradients. Of all these factors, the most important one is the TEMPERATURE.
The relationship between temperature and the rate of diffusion is a direct one, that is, the higher the temperature the higher the rate of diffusion and vice versa. At high temperature the molecules in the particles move faster because they have higher amount of energy.
Punctuated Equilibrium
The phyletic gradualism model and the punctuated equilibrium are aspects models of macroevolution that are characterised with varying patterns.
However, the punctuated equilibrium model of evolutionary history consists of geologically long periods of inactivity (stasis) with little or no evolution, interrupted or "punctuated" by geologically short periods of rapid evolution.
The correct answer is Bacteria can't survive in a hypertonic solution because they lose water.
The 20-30% salt solution is hypertonic as Compared to the bacterial concentration of salt. In this case, the bacteria present in the solution would lose water. Due to excess loss of water, the bacteria would eventually shrink and die. Hence, green olives preserved in the brine would be safe from microbial attack.
the flow energy from the continental plates. this is due to the sudden movement and temperature caused by various things like temperature change caused by global warming, human pollution, and internal combustion,
movement caused by quakes, global warming, and human partiucipation
Answer: Option C - Their paths would be identical to those of α-particles with lower energies.
Note that the PATHS TRAVELLED and deflection observed in the Rutherford gold foil experiment was based on ELECTRIC CHARGE carried by the individual particles NOT energy levels.
So, even after increasing the energy levels, their paths would be identical to those of α-particles with lower energies.