At first, lovesick and infatuated with Rosaline but after he'd met Juliet hopelessly in love
Susan's horn is given to Caspian. As a relic of Old Narnia, the horn coming into Caspian's possession signals his acceptance of the older ways. When blown, it calls the Pevensie children to Caspian's aid, making it both practical and fabulous
Part A : Binge-watching may improve relationships.
Part B: It is effective because the author provides several examples of how binge-watching increases social connections, and refers to outside sources.
You welcome.
Greek and Latin matter because it helps us with the pronunciation of words and the origin of words. When we know about where these words come from, how they are broken down (with suffixes and prefixes), and how each are pronounced, you better understand not only the word, but the meaning and the logic behind the word. This also aids in reading comprehension. Greek and Latin is key to understanding vocabulary, and a good vocabulary helps you to understand what you are reading.