Keep Source Formatting & Embed Workbook
Source formatting is used to apply the formatting from source document while copying and pasting.
Source is the place where the data is already placed and we want to move it make a copy of it on some other document. So if we don't want to change the formatting of source document, we choose source formatting from the options while pasting.
Embed is used to whenever we don't want to link the formatting with source document.
You use the Paste Options button labeled <u><em>Keep Source Formatting & Embed Workbook</em></u><em> </em>if you want the pasted chart not to be linked to the source document and you want the pasted chart to keep the formatting from the source document.
D I think because none of the others seem like very important things,
// here is code in C++.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// main function
int main()
// variables
double num;
// read discriminant
// calculate square of the input
double result=num*num;
// print the square number
return 0;
Declare a variable "num".Read the value of "num" from keybord.Then calculate square of the input number.Print the square of input number.
The answer is C. double-click
The answer is d. Data
information gathered from observing a plant grow 3 cm over a two-week period results in Data
data is facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.
Data is any information that has been collected, observed, generated or created to validate original research findings