Memory-mapped I/O and port-mapped I/O are two complementary methods of performing input/output between the central processing unit and peripheral devices in a computer. An alternative approach is using dedicated I/O processors, commonly known as channels on mainframe computers, which execute their own instructions.
Because you do not want to make your presentation be dark especially in a low lighted room.
(Certified MOS 2016 Powerpoint User)
The answer is computer. A computer is made up of microchips (CPU and GPU), an operation system (macOS or Windows), input methods (keyboard and mouse), and other parts.
A medida que crece un árbol, la mayoría de las células de madera se alinean con el eje del tronco, la rama o la raíz. Estas células están compuestas por haces largos y delgados de fibras, aproximadamente 100 veces más largas que anchas. Esto es lo que le da a la madera su dirección de grano.
La madera es más fuerte en la dirección paralela al grano. Debido a esto, las propiedades de resistencia y rigidez de los paneles estructurales de madera son mayores en la dirección paralela al eje de resistencia que perpendicular a él
Answer and Explanation:
Some of the negative aspects of robots at work place:
- Lesser flexibility
- Higher maintenance and installation cost
- Future insecurity and risk if the system malfunctions
- A decline in the opportunities for humans
- Unemployment as a result of automation and robot regulated work place.
Some of the positive aspects of robots at work place:
- Higher accuracy
- Higher speeds
- More work in less time
- Productivity and hence efficiency will increase
- Cost of some operations is reduced.
- Ease of employing in dangerous and hazardous fields by using specific robots for each task