Pay Day Lender
A bank is a financial institution which is authorized by the government to accept deposits inform of cash or cheque from the public who are the customers, and it creates a credit. It saves money to for the customers and also provides security for the customers money. It also lends money to the customers as loan where they pay with interest within a given time. There are many types of banks which include credit unions, online banks,industrial, agricultural, retail banks and many others.
microsoft windows, macOS, and linux
if you need help let me know
<em>The answer is: your GPS unit cannot send signals to the satellite when it cannot reach it by line of sight.
<em>GPS signals are based on frequencies that can be blocked by solid objects (like walls and roofs). A GPS device is using a series of satellites to detect and see where it is physically located. These frequencies are sent from these plates (satellites) and we cannot expect it to go through all kinds of barriers. When you use a GPS inside a building, a wide variety of physical barriers and potential interference sources make it difficult for the device to detect your location accurately.
<em />
special purpose application software
it is a type of software created to execute one specific task.for example a camera application on your phone wul only allow you to take and share pictures.
Other example of special purpose application are web browsers,calculators,media playors,calendar programs e.t.c.
player1Wins = player1Losses = player2Wins = player2Losses = tieCount = 0
score1 = 10
score2 = 10
if score1>score2:
print("player1 wins")
elif score2>score1:
print("player2 wins")
Since your indentation can not be understand what you give us, please try to do it as you see in the answer part.
Although it seems that this is a part of the code, it is normal that you get errors. However, since you keep track of the variables, it is better to initialize the variables that will keep the counts. Since initially, they are 0, you may set them as 0. Also, if you assign the values to the scores, probably you would not get any error. This way, you may test your code as I did.
Other than these, in the else part you do not need to write "score1=score2", because if score1 is not greater than score2 and if score2 is not greater than score1, this already implies that they are equal