It means do you eat at lunch
I helped my grandmother so Saturday
Why would there be a so? Did you type it wrong?
Verbs in infinitive form in Spanish are impersonal verbs, in other words they do not conjugate with any personal pronoun and are used to indicate the action done without specifying who did it.
Depending of the verb, the infinitive form is built adding the sufixes:
"-ar", "-er", "-ir"
Sufix: "-le" comes before a direct noun where the action is applied.
barrer las escaleras
apagar la cafetera después de
recoger unos dulces en la tienda de la esquina
pasar la aspiradora en los cuartos de los niños
sacar la carne congelada (frozen) del refrigerador
ir a
comprar al supermercado antes de las tres
elegir productos baratos en el supermercado
cambiar el foco (light bulb) de la lámpara de la cocina
quit"ar" + "le" el polvo a los muebles del salón
4 Materias (4 classes)
Daniel esta tomando cuatro materias. Los lunes y los miércoles esta tomando clases de historia y sociología. Los martes y los jueves esta tomando clases de computación y periodismo.
"Daniel is taking 4 classes. Mondays and Wednesdays he is taking history and sociology. Tuesdays and Thursdays he is taking computer literacy and journalism".
A is incorrect as you are not directing that to the person. you are only blatantly mentioning it.
B is correct because you are stating it to another person and using the second person correctly.
C is incorrect since the pronoun used here is "we", which I doubt a 911 operator would say unless he was also in a crisis.
D is incorrect because the pronoun used in the conjugation is "I", which also makes no sense.
Espero que esto sea de ayuda :)