La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Las principales diferencias entre el estado de derecho liberal y el estado social de derecho son estas.
El Estado de Derecho Liberal surge a consecuencia de los regímenes absolutistas que dominaron por un tiempo en distintas naciones que tenían monarquías absolutas, en donde el poder del rey era supremo e incuestionable. El Estado Liberal considera que las libertades de los ciudadanos son necesarias en un régimen de participación democrática y en donde existe una separación de poderes que garantice a justicia y facilite una economía basada en el libre mercado.
El Estado Social de Derecho busca dar prioridad al bienestar social de las personas, en lugar de poner énfasis en modelos económicos liberales. El Estado social se enfoca más en la igualdad social, el reparto más equitativo de la riqueza y el trato justo a los trabajadores.
Option E
Complete Question:
According to your textbook, visual aids are most effective when they are:
a. integrated with the rest of the speech.
b. explained clearly and concisely.
c. passed among the audience.
d. all of the above.
e. a and b only.
Visual aids are materials used in teaching or explanation that have visual properties that are used to augment, supplement words with graphs, PowerPoint, video (DVD or VHS), photographs, etc used in support of spoken information in order to help the audience to retain information and help the effectiveness of the speech. Visual aids had been credit in helping learners, audiences to retain the speaker’s ideas, make the information presented to be more interesting to listeners, and likewise helps the listener to grasp information easily than traditional methods.
However, Visual aids have a guideline in order for its effective usage when teaching or presentation arises: they are to be used or put on displayed only while the speaker is discussing them, avoid passing the aids among the audience during a presentation in order not to divert their attention and offense material, obscure materials must not be used as additional visual aids.
Visual aids are most effective when they are explained clearly and concisely in order for effectiveness; integrated with the rest of the speech to supplement presentation for easy and effective understanding by using essential points.
Instead of levying a duty on trade goods, the Stamp Act imposed a direct tax on the colonists. Specifically, the act required that, starting in the fall of 1765, legal documents and printed materials must bear a tax stamp provided by commissioned distributors who would collect the tax in exchange for the stamp.
The most historically significant triangular trade was the transatlantic slave trade which operated between Europe, Africa and the Americas from the 16th to 19th centuries. Slave ships would leave European ports (such as Bristol and Nantes) and sail to African ports loaded with goods manufactured in Europe.
True but it was illegal to allow them to work in factories