Unarmed Christians were allowed to visit the city.
After trying to overtake Jerusalem and having Jaffa change hands several times, Richard and Saladin finalized a treaty granting Muslim control over Jerusalem but allowing unarmed Christian pilgrims and merchants to visit the city.
The refrigerated rail road car.
Railroads and commercial farming
led to growth in Texas industry. The invention of the refrigerated railroad car allowed
Texas beef to be shipped far away without spoiling.This,
in turn, led to the development of
major urban industrial centers in
the state.
Social- Which has a beneficial effect on the whole society or on any social group.
Political- Politics is the practice and theory of influencing other people at the civic or individual level.
intellectual- That is mainly dedicated to activities or jobs in which the use of intelligence predominates.
Cultural- Of culture or related to it.
Economic- Of the economy or related to this discipline.