In 1948 the Korea Peninsula was divided between a Soviet-backed government in the north and an American-backed government in the south. War broke out along the 38th parallel on June 25, 1950. On that day, North Korean troops coordinated an attack at several strategic points along the parallel and headed south toward Seoul. The United Nations Security Council responded to the attack by adopting a resolution that condemned the invasion as a "breach of the peace."
In the context of the Declaration<span> of </span>Independence<span>, </span>happiness<span> was about ... Life, Liberty and the </span>pursuit<span> of </span>Happiness did<span> not </span>mean you have<span> the ... </span>Jefferson<span> once </span>said<span>: Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to </span>have<span> for lunch. ... The Constitution only gives </span>people<span> the </span>right<span> to </span>pursue happiness<span>.</span>
Answer: 1 - A. 2 - C. 3 - B.
Explanation: The answer to number one is A because congress is the only branch listed here. The answer to number two is C because that's the definition of a filibuster. The answer to 3 is B because the CBO is an agency. Hope this helped!
President Abraham Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction after the Civil War included "<span>(4) reuniting the nation as quickly as possible" although this did not go as planed. </span>