all of the above and make sure to use them right
"Antidisestablishmentarianism" is a 28-letter word that is currently little used and can therefore cause awkwardness and reading difficulties. This word is described in the "Student Dictionary" and refers to something or someone that opposes the link between church and state and everything that represents that link.
The answer IS D. The speaker’s paranoia becomes more pronounced.
The central theme seems to be getting to know any person past their public persona. This can be seen because the author writes from two self-proclaimed different points of view about how the other person didn't turn out to be who the person speaking thought they would be. After a couple weeks of interaction with these people from different social groups Mariah says "That kind of attitude was about as far from her actual personality as it gets" refering to what she thought of Jordyn, who in turn says "I realized I actually liked Mariah a lot more than I’d expected to"; these two statements coupled with the title indicate that we mmust get to learn people to rid ourselves of the image we have of them and form an informed opinion of who they really are.