Broca's area is located in the frontal lobe :)
Why would newborns be cashing in so many red blood cells?
The possibe sources for the hematocrit are influx of RBC from other sources to the Fetus. e.g., leakage of RBC from the twin child in case of twin pregnancy, possible overproduction of RBC in the fetus,Leakage of some RBC through the umbilical cord to the child close to delivery.
Why would noenates need so much antioxidants
The increased oxidative stress in neonates with Jaundice, leads to loss of antioxidants and ascorbic acids.The loses disrupted their metabolism and therefore the natural ability to fight the oxidative stress.
Consequently,increase in the oxidative stress couple with lack of antioxidant leads to neural cell death.
Therefore, antioxodant is needed to prevent neural cell death and to withstand oxidative stress.
b) 25% is the right answer
A woman heterozygous for A blood group with genotype = Iᵃi
A man heterozygous for A with genotype = Iᵇi
so after cross between Iᵃ i x Iᵇ i
alleles man woman
Iᵃ i
Iᵇ IᵃIᵇ Iᵇi
i Iᵃi ii
so the offspring will be
25 % AB IᵃIᵇ 25 % A Iᵃi
25 % B Iᵇi 25 % O ii
The liquids density divide it’s mass by its volume