D convay symbolic meaning
This was difficult since I quit band and only have little notes lol
tune in order:
(bottom, top)
mi (B)(for both boxes?), re (D)
mi (B), mi (E)
so (D), fa (G)
so (D), fa (G)
fa (C)/mi (B), fa (F)/mi(E)
I couldn't tell if they were mirroring one another or not so just try these patterns
that's all I could do sorry mate :(
1. Who will win the election for Mayor in November? <u><em>C</em></u>
2. Tom Johnson used to be a police officer. <u><em>c</em></u>
3. He announced on monday that he wants to be mayor.<u><em> x</em></u>
4. My father said he would vote for Tom. <u><em>C</em></u>
5. Mom and my sister Judy haven’t decided yet. <u><em>C</em></u>
6. They will vote at our school. C
7. Every Fall and Spring they put up voting booths there. C
8. I hope the new mayor will do something about our river. C
9. That River is full of chemicals. C
10. i am glad our water doesn’t come from Raven River. X
11. In late Summer, the river actually stinks. C
12. Is every river in our State so dirty? C
13. Scientists check the water every so often.C
14. Some professors from the college even examined it.C
15. That is getting to be a very educated River!C but there's a spelling mistake in this one ;-; :)
Yes, this is usually true. People tend to get defensive over things that they are lying or feeling guilty about because they want to overly prove that they are not lying or not guilty.