Egyptians would revolutionize the literary world by producing a smooth, flexible writing material that could accept and retain ink without a blur or smudge. This material, papyrus, would remain in use for longer than any other material in the history of written documents.By the 11th century, papermaking was brought to Europe.
European improvements to the papermaking process came in the 19th century with the invention of wood-based papers.Before the invention and current widespread adoption of automated machinery, all paper was made by hand.Paper made from other fibers, cotton being the most common, tends to be valued higher than wood-based paper.
Um, No paper is way too breakable so it will spill out. But, Parchment paper is better to choose to bake with
Good Luck!
Honestly I would use all of them, but considering this is probably a text question and you can probably only choose one.... I's say.... Drawings or photo's on a page or screen. You need to look back at the question. It says to help people <em>visualize. </em>You wouldn't exactly be giving someone the best visualization experience if you read them text or made them read text. Also if it's just music, what's the person gonna visualize? I'd say yeah all those things can help <em>TO </em>visualize. But not really the best way to go about it.
Bebop! They all really helped to develop the style =)