They discovered the New World by accident. They were looking for new routes that would take them quicker to Asia to trade. At the time they did not know the earth was round. They believed it was flat and would sail straight to Asia. Therefore, when Colombus hit the New World he called the natives Indians because he believed he had reached India.
The strongest country would win
Checks and balances
The veto was first applied by President George Washington on April 5, 1792, and the first successful overcoming of the veto by Congress occurred on March 3, 1845 (veto by President John Tyler). At the same time, in the entire history of the US presidency, a total of 1,508 vetoes have been introduced (an average of 6.7 veto per year) (excluding the so-called “pocket veto” - a pocket veto that cannot be overcome), and 1117 of them were overcome. The fact that only 7.3% of the bills that the US President vetoed was eventually passed by the US Congress, clearly indicates the effectiveness of this manifestation of checks and balances (veto rights).
I'm gonna have to say A. I'm not sure though. Hope this helps! Have a good day!
Medieval philosophers believed a ruler should be most concerned with taking over other countries; Machiavelli argued that a ruler should only worry about his own country. ... Medieval philosophers believed a ruler should be ruthless and fearless; Machiavelli believed leaders should be compassionate and kind above all else.