Homestead Strike, also called Homestead riot, violent labour dispute between the Carnegie Steel Company and many of its workers that occurred on July 6, 1892, in Homestead, Pennsylvania. The strike pitted the company’s management (which included owner American industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie and American industrialist Henry Clay Frick), the strikebreakers (replacement workers) who had been hired, and the Pinkerton National Detective Agency against members of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, who worked for the company. A gun battle resulted in which a number of Pinkerton agents and strikers were killed and many were injured.
Sultans became less involved in government and allowed their ministers to exercise more power
Some goals include increasing the welfare of people, and creating better environments for future generations.
This is explained by the APA, or the American Planning Association.
In general, the Supreme Court during the era of Progressive reform in the United States tended to side with the big businesss, in the sense that there just wasn't enough legislation to make what they were doing blatantly illegal.
The sections of the Transcontinental Railroad joined together in Utah at a place called Promontory Point in 1869 where a famous photograph was taken of the two construction crew (minus the Asian workers who were forbidden from being in the photo) meeting and uniting the rail with a Golden Spike.