They would definitely be antonyms
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The correct answer is "an underlying concept".
Themes are usually the most general underlying ideas in works of art and can be explored using various art forms.
At an early age, Odysseus was taught and trained by a centaur named Chiron.
In an effort to avoid having to fight in the Trojan War, Odysseus pretended to be insane, and started sowing salt in his fields instead of seeds.
Hope I helped :) Message me if you need more on this. <span />
Assertiveness is someone who is behaving confidently and is not frightened to say what they want. <span>Assertive just means that you make things happen. You take action rather than the opposite, which would be 'passive'. That would mean you just sit by and let things happen to you, instead of making them happen for yourself. Being assertive is a good thing.
Arrogance is </span><span>an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions.
Passivity is allowing others to do things to you without complaining or pushing back. The babysitter's passivity<span> led her charges to walk all over her. They stayed up all night and tied her to the chair, and all she said was, "Please stop misbehaving." or something like that.</span>
Homer refers to Odysseus as “of many counsels.” Of himself Odysseus
says: “I am Osysseus, son os Laertes, who am in men’s minds for all manner of wiles….” In Book XIII of the Odyssey Athena says: “Crafty must he be and knavish, who would outdoo thee in all manner of guile, even if it were a god encountered thee. Hardy man, subtle of wit, of guile in satiate, so thou was not even in thine own country to cease from thy sleights and knavish words, which thous lovest from the bottom of thine heart! But come, no mpore let us tell of these things, being both of us practiced in deceits, for that thou art of all men far the first in counsel and in discourse, and I in the company of all the gods win renown for my wit and wile.” Later she says: "Wherefore I may in no wise leave thee in grief, so courteous art thou, so ready of wit and so prudent." Athena incorporates those skills which Odysseus <span>masters.</span>