A subordinating conjunction is used to introduce a dependent clause. The correct answer is D.
For example: Although he didn't like it, he still had to eat his broccoli. In this sentence, although is the subordinating conjunction used to introduce a dependent/subordinate clause.
C. They both signify that at whatever point an experience ends, our ability to understand it abruptly changes is the correct answer.
Sonnet 73 is a poem written by English writer William Shakespeare. In literature, irony is a rhetorical device to show that the expectations were different from the real result; there is usually a second intention behind the apparent meaning. In the sonnet, the expectations are an experience to last for ever, and the real situation comes when the end of it is near. The speaker takes hand of elements of nature (such as the golden leaves and the dying fire) to indicate how the end of a situation can lead to a different understanding of it.
third option
always put quotation maks
Lupercal alludes to an important patriotic festival, and celebratigmCaesar on Lupercal indicates his high position in Rome
Answer: Option D.
The back ground information is provided here and based on that information, we see that Marullus refers to Lupercal and while referring to Lupercal, he is having some kind of fear and is scared.
But Flavius tries to explain it to him that whatever is been done, nothing is important among all this and it is to be made sure that the statutes which are decorated are not done as a tribute to Cezar.