Because Grendel's mother was not human, she was greatly feared by the Geats. When she was eventually killed by Beowulf, an Anglo-Saxon, the Danes' (Götaland's) fear of Grendel's mother became less as it was exposed that she too could succumb to the cold hands of death. She was not immortal, afterall, as they had previously feared.
Beowulf was an English epic poem which chronicled the military exploits of an Anglo-Saxon named Beowulf. Through sheer doggedness, Beowulf mustered the unflinching courage to kill some monsters: Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon named Wiglaf, who were making life unbearable for the Geats. Following his invitation to fight Grendel by the king of Götaland, Hrothgar, Beowulf showed the stuff that the Anglo-Saxon was made of. As it was known, the Anglo-Saxons preferred to die rather than live in subjugation. They fight for renown and to win laurels, instead of living in cowardice.
Answer is B took the question on the edge
Pls mark brainliest
Answer and Explanation:
Irony happens when the outcome of events turns out to be the opposite of what was expected.
<u>It is ironic that Michelangelo's father would fear his son's failure. He even scolded him for pursuing arts instead of academic studies. Why is it ironic? Because Michelangelo (1475 - 1564) not only did not fail, but he was such an amazing artist that his name remains as one of the most famous in the world. His expertise was such that he is seen by many as a rival of Leonardo Da Vinci, since they both developed their knowledge and abilities in several different fields. Michelangelo is probably most famous nowadays for his frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, in Rome. He was also an incredible sculptor - David being one of his greatest works.</u>
The hardest language to learn for non English speakers is Japanese! Hope this helped!
C, it talks about how, " That on the ashes of which his youth doth lie" meaning that his youth has burnt out, and "In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire" If you think about it, the flame is Shakespeare, and the "ashes of his youth" mean his life. He knows about approaching death " The deathbed whereon it must expire", and he has excepted it.