He talks about when re receives the devastating news and he talks about his mourning. He can't even see straight because all he can think of is his lover. At her funeral, he can't even bear to listen. He then goes to her grave. He weeps and weeps only to then stay there for hours. He then leaves her grave falling upon another grave in which the corpse comes out of this grave. Then all at once, all the corpses come out of the grave changing their headstone inscriptions. He runs to his lover to see what she changes it to and she changes it to "' Having gone out in the rain one day, to deceive her lover, she caught a cold and died." He looks at it and you know he feels betrayal. All in all the story shows love, grief, and betrayal.
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Jonas was asked to follow certain rules while he is a Receiver-in training.
Jonas did not get any dreams usually. But, one dream he got at the previous night was quite embarrassing as he was asking Fiona to disrobe and get into the bathtub with him. She refused to do so in his dream.
Jonas was the Receiver of Memory for his community and he was very embarrassed because of this dream as the community is a highly structured in which they are not allowed to choose their partners and need to dress up properly.
Though Jonas's parents understood his desires but asked him to suppress them by taking a pill each day. Thus, he was asked not to share his dream.
Because she just lays there