In my opinion the Government has to do just two thing: give security to people (police force) and an adequate legal system. All the other things can be done by the private sector and even the two things mentioned before can be done by private companies. I am not Keynesian. I don't believe in the government intervention. I believe that politicians have their own agenda and it is not helping people but to be elected.
associative play.
Associative play: The term "associative play" is described as a phenomenon that includes the "social play development" through children or preschoolers. Associative play is considered as the very first stage in which a child interacts socially and is often considered as important in children's play because they've started engaging in mutual activities yet not demonstrate a common goal.
The most common age in which a child is engaged in associative play is three to four years of age.
with a very strict system: Hammurabis code
Hammurabi, king of the Babylonian Empire, created a set of laws to every city-state to better govern his bourgeoning empire. HAMMURABIS CODE (eye for an eye)
Known today as the Code of Hammurabi, the 282 laws are one of the earliest and more complete written legal codes from ancient times.
Hope this helped :)
A. Publishing articles that encourage or are likely to lead to violence
The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech in most forms, but when speech promotes violence, or is likely to lead of violence, it becomes illegal speech that is not protected under this Amendment.
For example, a public threatening message to someone is not protected by the First Amendment because such a message is likely to lead to violence against the victim.
Japan invested its newfound financial growth into institution such as education and not military resulting in it taking a lead in technology 20 years later.