The main way that the Holocaust helps us find similarities that go beyond race, culture and nationality, is that now this horrible even in history is almost universally condemned in Europe, meaning almost everyone does not like war.
The tone of the letter of the American President to the emperor of Japan is friendly and something that value peace and equality of both parties. But during the arrival of the american fleet it shows aggressiveness and show of force and advantage of technology in order for the treaty to be accepted. Also even though in the letter it is written an equal and beneficial trade between the two nations but the truth is that foreign powers take advantage of Japanese vulnerability.
The North Vietnamese forces, especially the Viet Cong made their own explosives. They used explosives that did not explode, cut them open and made their own improvised explosives. They used traps like bamboo maces or crossbows which were activated by trip wires. One common trap was the punji stake trap. This was a bed of very sharp bamboo stakes hidden in a large hole for their enemies to fall into.
Because It joined Britain France and Russia because of disagreements in Europe over territories and boundaries.
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