From today's perspective the works of art made in ancient Egypt are quite different from what we are used to in art. The pictures could look very formal, and also blocky. Some could argue they looked abstract in a way as well. They were also static. When we compare them to later Rennaisance art found in Europe, the style is strikingly different. Hieroglyphs (the way ancient Egyptians wrote) also accompanied pictures and images of all kinds very often and were sometimes precisely carved as an artwork of their own.
A Hindu wanting to work on a spiritual awareness might decide to stop looking for outward solution to gain spiritual awareness, instead, he will focus on understanding his own mind through meditation. He might also decide to set up a shrine, go to a temple, meditate, etc.
Harriet Tubman was an African American slave. She first risked her life when she developed the "Underground Railroad", which was a secret system that she created in order to help fugitive slaves escape. The second way that she risked her life was becoming a nurse during the Civil War.