“One of my earrings fell off, it rolled under the stove,” is a RUN ON sentence. You can tell by the comma splice (which separates two different, yet complete, thoughts incorrectly through using only commas). You can also tell because it holds two complete sentences without the proper conjunction or punctuation needed to connect them.
To fix a run on, you must use a conjunction (and, but, for, yet, not, or, so) between the two complete thoughts or place a period between them.
Example: one of my earrings fell off. It rolled under the stove.
Example: One of my earrings fell off and it rolled under the stove.
The correct answer would be US
Her eyes were as dark as the deep oak wood.
The sun perfectly illuminates her deep chocolate hair.
Discussing soldiers from the same side firing at their own men probably from crossfire
"<span>A."Voyager I" was launched by NASA on September 5, 1977" does not contain any errors in punctuation, although italics are not showing up. Nothing should be italicized here though. </span>